Sunday 14 August 2011

Coco avant Chanel

It`s a bit passed 12 am and what better way to celebrate the fact that I`m turning 23 than to smoke a Dunhill Finecut Blue cig, drink some coke, listen to an Amy Winehouse song (followed by the Holy Trinity of pop music - Beyonce, Adele and Gaga) and post something on a long forgotten blog.

I am alone now, but the past 2 days have definitely been a celebration I will not soon forget. I have already ackowledged you guys, but I want to take the time to express a more extended thank you for giving me a 2-day celebration before my actual b-day.

So thank you for last night`s activities and drunken moments. I have to say though that I appreciated most the moments after I got sober. I always wanted to wander through the woods at night, so thanks for giving me that... I always love waking up together, having our morning coffee in my living room and spending the day horizontally on the ground, grass, coach, beds doing nothing, talking, laughing, having good food and making stupid jokes.

Also, not to seem unsociable, but I guess turning a new age by yourself, gives you a bit of time to reflect on what you`ve done and what you want to do. That`s always scary but it`s healthy.

And something I never seem to have the courage to do is to actually thank my mom for all that she`s done for me, for the way in which she`s brought me up and for loving me as much as she does. Thank you mom, I love you. Maybe I don`t always or ever say it. My ways are wrong, but you still love me for who I am and I could never ask for more. In return, I promise to do the same...

So my being a bit emotional is slowly going way, and I will shortly return to my impervious self and as such I will push the post button before I change my mind.

Last but not least, thanks to the Romanian government for declaring my b-day a non-working day. What they need to do next is declare 18th June National Sleep Day, and we`re all set...
