Wednesday 24 November 2010

Groovy fun and burglars

This is one of those posts when I know that I want to transmit something. I don`t know exactly what that is, but I know the feel of it, and I think that it`s enough to try to blog about it.

Last week was definitely one of the best worst weeks ever. We have had some friends visit for a week (well, Bolo`s friends, but I suppose I can sort of call them my friends as well now). First off I barely got any sleep and the sleep I got was not really the amount I needed, so at the end of the week I was pretty beat because during the week - we went clubbing, we got drunk, we played rummy, we played cards, charades, and what not. Oh, we also played the 'clue' game which we conveniently names BILC, we through concerts for each other, if you can call what we did concerts, we listened to old romanian tales (the ones our grandparents used to tell us), which apparently are very funny.

Anyway, the highlight of the week was our house being broken into. We quite simply left the back door open, and someone just entered, grabbed 2 watches, 2 laptops (mine was one of them) and then proceded to Eli's room who was (un)fortunately in the room. So he only stole these items, but was planning to steal our cigarettes (damn him for even considering that). He didn`t touch Bolo's laptop - but this is not particularly surprising since it`s a piece of junk (sorry, bub, but it`s the truth). So right after I get home, I dial 999 and in my panic I start complaining "someone broke into our house...bla bla bla" and a rugged voice replies "Do you need police, firemen or ambulance". Really now, if you take enough time to ask that question I might have needed all of them. The point is that no one is hurt, (apart from the data from my laptop which could have been deemed a very good friend of mine), and that my contact with the outside world is limited untill I get a new laptop whose hiding place I am not going to reveal.

And now I shall go eat something Bolo and Eli cooked...
Bon apetit!

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